
Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grids, Animations and More

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Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grids, Animations and More

About The Course

If you want to learn how to create programs in Python you are more than welcome to join us. The course duration is 16 weeks in which will be held 32 classes. Duration of the class is 45 min. Weekly is planed to be held one block of two classes with duration of 45 min. Classes are separated with 15 min break.  The course schedule can be crashed up to 8 weeks in which will be conducted two block classes weekly. Lectures can be held online or on site depending of student needs. Online lectures will be held in the same timing with the one held physically in the classroom.

What Will You Learn?

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to demonstrate use of advanced CSS and sass: flexbox, grids, animations and etc.

The Course Curriculam

Building Header Creating CSS Animation Building Complex Animated Button
Natours Project

  • Week 1

How CSS is parsed: Cascade and Specificity, Value Processing, Inheritance
How CSS Works

Converting px to rem: Effective workflow How CSS Renders Website: The visual formatting model CSS Architecture, Components and BEM Implementing BEM in the Natours Project
How CSS Works

Sass: Variables and Nesting Sass: Mixing, Extends, and Functions Brief Introduction to command line NPM packages and Scripts
Sass and NPM

Converting CSS Code to Sass Implementing 7-1 CSS Architecture with Sass Building Custom Grids and Floats Buiding Different Sections
Natours Project: Advanced CSS and Sass

Converting CSS Code to Sass Implementing 7-1 CSS Architecture with Sass Building Custom Grids and Floats Buiding Different Sections
Natours Project: Advanced CSS and Sass

Converting CSS Code to Sass Implementing 7-1 CSS Architecture with Sass Building Custom Grids and Floats Buiding Different Sections
Natours Project: Advanced CSS and Sass

Advanced Responsive Design: The power of Sass Mixins, Writing Media Queries
Natours Project: Advanced Responsive Design

Advanced Responsive Design: Responsive Images
Natours Project: Advanced Responsive Design

Flex Container and Flex Items, Adding More Flex Items, Building Header, Navigation, Different Sections, and Media Queries of Trillo Project
Trillo Project: Master Flexbox

Flex Container and Flex Items, Adding More Flex Items, Building Header, Navigation, Different Sections, and Media Queries of Trillo Project
Trillo Project: Master Flexbox

CSS Grid Layouts
CSS Grid Layouts

CSS Grid Layouts
CSS Grid Layouts

Building Overall Layout, Different Sections, Footer, Sidebar, Header
Nexter Project – Master CSS Grid Layouts

Building Overall Layout, Different Sections, Footer, Sidebar, Header
Nexter Project – Master CSS Grid Layouts

Building Overall Layout, Different Sections, Footer, Sidebar, Header
Nexter Project – Master CSS Grid Layouts


Stojan Kitanov


Dr. Stojan Kitanov has been part of the academic community for more than 13 years, holding various positions. Dr. Stojan

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Ivan Petrov


Dr. Ivan Petrov is a prominent professional and stakeholder in both the academic and business community. He has a professional

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