
ECDL: Cyber security

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ECDL: Cyber security

About The Course

According to the ECDL syllabus, the cyber security training helps candidates learn how to maintain a secure network connection, use the Internet safely, and manage data and information appropriately. These skills are relevant to the safe use of ICT in everyday work activities and life. Exercises and real world examples are included in the lectures. A brief test that reiterates and determines the information that was passed serves as a recapitulation at the conclusion. Passing the module after taking the standardized ECDL examinations comes next. Those who pass the exam are awarded an ECDL certificate, which is valid worldwide and for a lifetime. The fifteen hours of instruction are broken up into five segments of three hours each.  The five periods of 3 hours each will be distributed over 5 working days during 3 working weeks, in agreement with the participants and lecturers. During each of the three working weeks, there will be 2 periods (including taking the exam). For the entire duration of the training, the trainees will have practical examples.

What Will You Learn?

Understand the importance of keeping information and data secure and identify common principles for data protection, retention and control/privacy.

Recognize threats to personal security from identity theft and potential threats to data from using cloud computing.

Be able to use passwords and encryption to secure files and data.

Understand the threat of malware and be able to protect a computer, device or network from malware and address malware attacks.

Recognize common network and wireless security types and be able to use personal firewalls and personal hotspots.

They protect the computer or device from unauthorized access and can securely manage and update passwords.

They use appropriate web browser settings and understand how to authenticate websites and browse the web securely.

Understand the communication security issues that can arise from the use of e-mail, social networks, Internet Protocol, instant messaging, and mobile devices.

Back up and restore data on local cloud locations for storage and deletion and safe removal of data and devices.

The Course Curriculam

Concepts of security
Threats to data Value of information Personal safety File security

  • Class 1-3

Types and methods Protection Resolution and removal

Network security
Networks and connections Wireless security

Access control
Methods Password management

Safe use of the web
Browser settings Safe browsing

E-mail Social network VoIP and instant messaging Mobile

Security data management and recapitulation
Provision of Data Back Up Secure deletion and destruction Recapitulation of the training and preparation for the test



Stojan Kitanov


Dr. Stojan Kitanov has been part of the academic community for more than 13 years, holding various positions. Dr. Stojan

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Ivan Petrov


Dr. Ivan Petrov is a prominent professional and stakeholder in both the academic and business community. He has a professional

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